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How to drill out a Barrel lock

"Center punch the 3/8 inch round part in the center of the cylinder.

Try to be as close to the center of this as possible.

Start with a new 3/16 inch "metal" drill bit and drill as straight and as level as you can into the lock.

After the drill bit has gone about 3/4 inches into the lock slow the drilling down.

At about 1 and 1/4 inches into the lock the drill bit should catch the latch bar and pop open the lock. This bar is hardened steel and as soon as the bit catches it, it will turn and pull the lock bit down, releasing the lock.

If the above fails try to thread a 2 inch long 1/4 inch self threading bolt into the drilled opening and use a slide hammer to attempt to pop the latch off the cylinder. If the lock did not open for some reason, or you don not have a slide hammer, the next step is to drill the lock with a succession of larger bits. You still may catch the latch if you were a little off center, or will eventually get to the point where the pins in the cylinder are destroyed and the lock will open by inserting a screwdriver and turning it.











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